The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Prunus - Flowering Cherry

A delightful flowering tree chosen for its upright pillar or column form. Makes an ideal avenue tree especially lining a driveway. Pale pink buds open into frilly soft pink flowers in early spring. 'Amanogawa' translates as 'Milky Way'. 7m x 2m
One of our best deciduous trees, a visual treat, that was raised here in New Zealand. The upright habit is a mass of pale pink flowers in spring. A really nice form makes it a perfect specimen tree, but it needs to be out of the wind. 8m x 5m

A brilliant weeping cherry with pale pink buds that fade to white as they open. A good feature tree that brings a blaze of colour in spring. The branches will hang to the ground but can can pruned to lift the foliage up. 3m x 2m

Small, bright rose-pink single flowers in large clusters. 6m x 4m
Large double, deep pink flowers cover the tree in spring making for a brilliant display. An upright, vase habit makes for an excellent specimen or as a lawn tree. Plant out of strong wind to protect the blooms, otherwise consider hardy. 7m x 4m

A neat weeping cherry with bright pink, double flowers. Makes a neat specimen and could be under- planted for extra colour. Prune for shape or to lift branches which will weep to the ground if left. 3m x 2m

A New Zealand selection, raised in Taranaki. Similar in habit to 'Awanui' with a broad horizontal shape but covered in masses of small white flowers. 7m x 5m
A hybrid (thought to be P.'Shimidsu-zakura' x P. 'Kanzan') with long double flower clusters in deep pink carried in mid-spring. In autumn the foliage colours yellow, giving a good display. Strong grower to 6m x 4m
A fantastic shade tree. Pink buds open to pale pink, double flowers and then fade to white. A spreading tree that has a habit like a umbrella. Ideal to put the table under, it is stunning when in full bloom. A perfect lawn specimen. 4m x 5m
A strong growing, wide spreading tree that flowers the lastest of all the cherries. The flowers are interesting as they start as pink buds, open pale pink then fade to white, but then, turn pink again. Good autumn colouring too. 6m x 5m
Large, snow white flowers are single or semi- double in form. They hang in long clusters on a flat topped tree that has wide- spread horizontal branches. A brilliant feature to lighten any garden situation. 6m x 5m
A tall upright tree with a spreading crown. Large, single white flowers in spring. Foliage is a copper red in spring, bright green in summer and yellow and orange in autumn. 8m x 6m
A vase shaped tree that has bronze leaves in spring, turning green in summer and red in autumn. Large clusters of flowers appear in spring. The blooms are white with a light tinge of green or yellow. 5 x 5m