The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Osteospermum 'Buttermilk'


Common Name:

African Cape daisy


A compact spreading perennial that has masses of flowers right through the spring and summer. Flowers sit up above the plant and open up in sunshine.


Buttery yellow, daisy like flowers to 5cm across.


40cm x 80cm

Growing Conditions:

Osteospermum like a spot that is sunny and dry. They aren’t too fussed about soil type, happily growing on rocky banks and clay based gardens. They are happy in coastal conditions as well.


·         Osteospemum need little care and almost thrive on neglect.

·         They like it dry, but need a good soaking every now and then.

·         While nature will take care of it, trimming off the spent flowers will encourage new shoots and keep the plant tidy.


·         A fantastic bank cover or for retaining walls where they spill over the edge nicely.

·         Make great container plants for full on summer colour.

·         As plant of a colourful border. Use with other perennials such as Lavender, Penstemons and Daisies.


Osteospermum is a no fuss proven performer. If planting out a bank, combine with the other varieties and different coloured Arctotis for an attractive and colourful planting.