The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Gazania 'Cleopatra'


Common Name:

Treasure Flower. Also known as ‘Takatu Red’.


A clump forming perennial with deep green leaves that are long and slender.


Large daisy-like flowers are bright red with a yellow and black ‘central eye’. They open over a long period during spring and summer.


40cm x 50cm

Growing Conditions:

They will perform to their best if planted in full sun. They like a free-draining soil and once established can be considered drought hardy but do like an occasional deep soaking. They are just as happy in sandy or rocky situations as they are in fertile, well composted soil.


Dead head spent flowers regularly to encourage new stems to develop. Trim off any old or dead leaves around the base as necessary to keep a tidy appearance.


Great colour for patio or deck containers. Would look fantastic on the doorstep making a pleasant welcome.

Mass plant to cover a bank or retaining wall.

Plant with other daisy like perennials such as Arctotis or Osteospermum for an easy care colourful planting. This combination is perfect for hot banks or seaside gardens.


Gazania ‘Cleopatra’ is one of those real eye-turning plants. Bold, bright colour makes a visual impact and deserves to planted in a group. Team up with other colourful plants such as those mentioned above or use blue as a contrast. Lavender, Agapanthus and Campanula are all good choices.


Companion Plants:

Convolvulus cneorum, Phlox subulata ‘White’, Campanula ‘Resholdt’s’

Alternative Plants:

Leucanthemum ‘Sparkles’, Osteospermum ‘Burgundy Star’, Sedum ‘Purple Emperor’