The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Penstemon 'Firebird'


Common Name:

Beard Tongue.


A free flowering perennial with lush, long pointed leaves. Forms a dense bushy shrub and is relatively hardy.


Tall flowers spikes hold masses of dark purple tubular flowers.


80cm x 60cm

Growing Conditions:

Penstemon does best in full sun to maximise flower growth, but they can handle shade for part of the day. Plant in a free draining soil.


Dead head the flower spikes as they finish to allow the next ones to develop. Once flowering has finished trim the plant hard to rejuvenate and encourage new growth for spring. Sometimes the large amount of flowers or heavy wind can break individual stems, just cut back to the base and they will bounce back quickly.

They are rarely affected by pests or diseases but a general purpose spray will fix any problems.


·         Great colour, adds height to a colourful border.

·         Can be massed planted for a stunning display.


Penstemons are classic plants that have stood the test of time. Colour, hardiness, no fuss, they have all you need for a good looking display.