The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...


This delightful little native is one of my favourites. Small cream and pink leaves intensify in colour over winter, turning a vivid pink. A hardy plant that is suitable for containers, as a low hedge or even trimming into balls. 60cm x 75cm
Myrtus ralphii
A delightful native shrub grown predominantly for it's foliage. The leaves are very small with hints of pink and red. A useful shrub for picking and floral work. Plant in full sun in fertile soil for best results. Prune lightly to keep compact. 1.8m x 1m
Myrtus ralphii
A hardy native shrub that has small purple- red leaves making it ideal for colour contrast in the garden. Foliage is excellent for floral arranging. Best colour is achieved in planted in full sun in fertile soil. Would also make an interesting hedge. 1.8m x 1m