The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Magnolia hybrid 'Koban Dori'



A deciduous, multi branched tree with a pyramidal form.


Cup shaped blooms are bright yellow and appear as the leaves emerge.


4m x 2m

Growing Conditions:

Magnolias are a great choice when a splash of colour is needed. They perform best when planted in full sun, sheltered from strong wind and have cool roots. When planting, add good amounts of compost to make a free draining, well worked base. Mulch well after planting to keep root system cool.


Magnolias are generally easy care plants with few problems from pest and diseases. A copper spray will help with leaf spots and other pests. Usually any trouble is related to poor soil conditions or position, especially too much water. They respond well to pruning for shape and to encourage flower shoots, but mostly pruning is to remove dead or unhealthy branches. Feeding with an acid fertiliser will keep the plant strong and healthy.


  • Excellent choice for providing colour in a mixed garden or a dull corner.
  • Will grow in containers happily for a number of years.
  • Use as a lawn specimen or feature tree.


Magnolia provide real colour in the garden and deserve a 'pride of place' position. As with many groups of plants it is hard to resist the different forms and colours which is why we end up with so many varieties. Which one will you choose?