The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Rubus pentalobus (Orangeberry)


Common Name: 
A hardy groundcover with rough textured leaves that become purple tinged in colder weather. 
Small white flowers are followed by edible orange berries, similar to a raspberry. 
Will grow 15 – 20 high and can spread up to 2m 
Growing Conditions:
Rubus thrives on neglect and can handle difficult conditions. It is especially tolerate of hot, dry banks and can be planted in most soils types as long as they are not waterlogged. 
Very little care is needed. To encourage fruiting, lightly prune, do not feed but do add potash and if possible restrict the roots. 

  • A hardy groundcover for banks or exposed sites.
  • Use as part of the edible garden. A great weed suppressor.
  • Plant in a pot or on low walls where the hanging foliage is attractive.

Orangeberry is a reluctant fruiter and can take 2-3 years before flowering. While they are self fertile they still need help with pollination. This is where the bees, other insects and even the wind is needed for fruiting to occur.