The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Clematis montana 'Rubens'


Common Name:

Pink Anemone Clematis.


A  deciduous climber that covers everything from fences to stumps and walls. It is admired for the wonderful array of colour when flowering. The new foliage is a lovely red tone fading to green.


Brilliant display of rich pink flowers. Flowers for a long period beginning in spring.


3m x 4m spread.

Growing Conditions:

Clematis like to be planted in rich, deeply worked soil, in full sun or part shade. They like to have their stems in full sun but their roots kept cool, mulching around the base will help achieve this.


A light prune after flowering will maintain size. Clematis can become woody at the base but a good prune will encourage new growth.


  • Great to cover fences, walls and trellis. 
  • Provides an abundance of soft pink flowers during spring in the garden.


A popular choice for any garden because of its benefits of covering walls and fences and providing a display of dense colour when in flower.