The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Azalea 'Charlie'



A hardy evergreen shrub valued for the masses of flowers that are produced from winter through to late spring. They are relatively pest free, forgiving and easy to grow.


Large ruffled double flowers are vivid pink.


Azalea are tidy compact shrubs growing between 60cm and 1m depending on variety.

Growing Conditions:

Azaleas do well in slightly acidic soil. They are perfect companion plants to Camellia, Rhododendron and Pieris.

They prefer a shady position but can handle sunny spots where they will be more compact.

They like moist soil but not wet feet. You can mound them up when planting.


Mulch well to keep in moisture and provide a layer of organic material for the fine roots.

Azaleas are rarely affected but can be prone to Aphids, Thrips and Mites. Spray as needed with a suitable insecticide. A combination spray will help with any fungal issues such as mildew and leaf spot.

Prune your Azalea for shape and size. This is best done after they have finished flowering in spring. Remove leggy stems and dead branches. They response well to a good cut back.


A great choice for pots.

Brilliant under planting for trees and shrubs. Look good with Maples and other flowering shrubs.

Provides a stunning splash of colour in the garden.

Combine with other acidic lovers such as Camellia, Rhododendron, Pieris, Azalea mollis, and Daphne.

With a wide range of colours and forms there is something to suit most gardens.


While they are considered evergreen, azaleas do drop their leaves. However, they grow two sets of leaves each year. Their spring leaves are large, and grow along the stems and they drop off in autumn. Their summer leaves are thicker, smaller, grow crowded at the branch ends, and remain through the winter.

Continue to Azalea 'Crystal'