The following is some of the range that we grow over a year. To see what we have in stock right now download our Availability list here  plant-availability...

Azalea 'Red Frills'


Common Name:

Deciduous Azalea, Mollis Azalea, Ilam Azalea.


A free flowering shrub that provides a big splash of colour in spring.


Deep red flowers with orange tones.



Will grow between 1m and 1.6m. Can easily be trimmed to size.

Growing Conditions:

Like Rhododendron, Azalea like acidic conditions (no lime) with well worked soil with plenty of added compost. Because they have fibrous roots they do not like wet feet so plant in a well draining spot.

They are happy in semi shaded spots but prefer a sunny position where the flower buds can develop nicely. They are fully hardy and generally not bothered by frost.


Easy care and rarely bothered by pests. Can occasionally be affected by powdery mildew or rust but this can be sprayed for.

Dead head fading flowers to allow for good development of next year buds. Prune for shape if needed.


Anywhere splashes of bright colour are needed. Can grow in containers and would suit a woodland style garden. Works well in a formal setting adding accent points.


Deciduous Azalea are stunning shrubs and deserve a spot in most gardens. The lighter coloured flowers tend to have the better scent especially the yellows, but don’t let this put you off the bright reds and oranges.

Continue to Azalea 'Red Rag'